Helpful Support When Filing For Chapter Seven
Filing for Chapter 7bankruptcy can feel confusing and overwhelming. This important process has the potential to turn your life around and free you from the overwhelming burden of debt. Getting to this important outcome will take some time and a little bit of effort. Having someone who can explain this process and provide helpful support will make filing for Chapter 7a whole lot easier. Since many personal factors have the potential to impact the filing process, getting the opinion of an experienced legal professional can make a significant difference. Filing should be a transparent process that you can understand; your lawyer can help.
Get the Answers First
People considering bankruptcy are likely to have done a lot of research on their own. Sifting out the useful information can be trickier than you expect. For one thing, Chapter 7laws vary somewhat from one state to another. This is why working with a bankruptcy attorney in South Florida or another local community is important if you plan to file in Florida. Your attorney will explain the whole process of filing for Chapter 7and will explain precisely how local laws impact you.
What is the Role of a Trustee?
Another confusing aspect of Chapter 7is the role played by the trustee. This person is appointed by the court and they will represent the interests of the creditors. Once this is over, the bankruptcy proceeding has been completed. Since this person is going to working for your creditors, you should have legal support on your side, too. With a lawyer on your side, you do not have to face the legal system alone.
Working With a Bankruptcy Attorney
You may not know what to expect the first time you meet with your attorney. When filing for chapter 7, you will be asked a lot of questions about your income. Try to come prepared with:
· Your income over the past six months
· A list of important assets
· Information about your household, including size and average income
Your attorney can tell you what other information might be needed to proceed.
You Are Not Alone
You do not have to face the bankruptcy process alone, so give the DiTocco Law Group a call. An attorney can help you every step of the way and will ease your transition to a life that’s free of debt.