When You Can Apply For A Home Loan After Bankruptcy
Filing bankruptcy can help you obtain a fresh start at a better future. However, you and your family could still face some financial challenges. Whether or not you will be able to apply for a mortgage is a common worry that clients have after receiving discharges or reorganizing their debt.
At the DiTocco Law Group, PLLC, it is our goal to help you eliminate financial challenges and help you achieve a successful future. That is why we provide you with honest counsel and guidance whenever you need it, even after filing bankruptcy. Our experienced attorneys and knowledgeable staff offer continual support that is individualized to your needs.
Qualifying For A Mortgage After A Discharge
It is important to note that it will take an average of two years before you can apply for a home loan again after receiving a bankruptcy discharge. However, our bankruptcy attorneys will work personally with you to help you take full advantage of this waiting period.
We can advise you on many strategies or refer you to qualified individuals such as loan brokers, credit repair specialists, estate planners, reverse mortgage lenders and other mortgage industry specialists with whom we regularly conduct business and can further assist you.
Over the years, we have helped many clients in Aventura and throughout South Florida through the bankruptcy process, and many of them have qualified for mortgages and proceeded with financial freedom soon after. You can rely on our experience to guide you through the entire process of bankruptcy, as well as afterward.
Contact Our Attorneys For Individualized Support
Call our firm at 954-836-7912 or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation and discuss your future after bankruptcy with one of our lawyers at our Aventura office. We are available to discuss your concerns at any time. We also have office locations throughout southern Florida, in Palm Beach, Miami-Dade and Broward (Fort Lauderdale) counties, so you have the comfort of nearby assistance when you need it.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy under the Bankruptcy Code.