Want To Avoid Debt During The Holidays? Check Out Our Bankruptcy Lawyer’s Spending Tips!
With the holiday season in full swing, spending can get out of control as many people try their hardest to put plenty of presents out. Whether you’re going out of town for holiday travel or you’re staying home and hosting family gatherings, it’s important to spend smart. At DiTocco Law Group Boca Raton, we know that credit card debt is one of the most frustrating debts that people throughout the country face. That’s why our team is dedicated to helping individuals avoid frustrations by taking control of their spending this holiday season. While a bankruptcy lawyer in Boca Raton from our office may be able to help you out of holiday debt, it’s always best to avoid the debt in the first place.
Here are our top tips for spending smart during the holidays:
Pay in cash
Whether you’re buying gifts or buying gas for a holiday road trip, paying in cash can help keep spending in check. When you’re spending cash rather than running up credit cards, you can help ensure that you won’t be giving yourself the gift of massive debt.
Plan ahead
Scoping out big store sales and choosing gifts ahead of time can help keep holiday spending in check. At DiTocco Law Group Boca Raton, we recommend comparing sale prices to average prices to see that the sale is actually a good deal. Sometimes stores label items as sale prices, even when they’re not a special savings.
If flying, consider holiday flights
Fewer people want to fly on Christmas Day or New Year’s Eve, but flying on these days can help you find lower ticket prices. Flying on the actual holiday can help reduce costs.
Budget, budget, budget!
Holiday spending can get out of hand quickly as things get hectic. So make sure that you create a comprehensive budget for your holiday spending. Set limits for each gift recipient, set spending limits for vacations and plan menus ahead of time if you’re going to host a holiday meal in your home.
At DiTocco Law Group Boca Raton, we know that holiday spending can get out of hand quickly. But, with the right spending habits, you can avoid getting yourself the gift of overwhelming debt. A bankruptcy attorney in Boca Raton from our team at DiTocco Law Group Boca Raton can help you recover from overwhelming debt that’s been created by holiday spending, financial hardships or any other situation. If you need help recovering from debt this holiday season, give our office a call at (561) 487-0200.