Bankruptcy Do’s and Don’ts
Making the decision to file for bankruptcy is just the first step in the process. Once the decision is made, there are several steps you can take to maximize the benefits gained from the process. There are also several mistakes to avoid that can hinder your filing or even lead to ineligibility for a Chapter 7 filing.
At the DiTocco Law Group, PLLC, we offer detailed bankruptcy guidance to clients throughout Broward County and Palm Beach County in Florida. Our founding lawyer started our firm in an effort to provide high-quality legal guidance and exemplary customer service to individuals and families that have encountered financial distress due to a wide range of factors.
Mistakes To Avoid Prior To Your Chapter 7 Filing
When filing for Chapter 7 protection, there are several key mistakes that should be avoided at all costs. Prior to your filing, do not:
- Transfer assets to family members
- Use your credit cards
- Raid your 401(k) to pay your bills
- Take out a personal loan
- Lend money to friends or family
- Make payments on past-due bills
- Hide debts or assets
Any of these actions could lead to your disqualification from Chapter 7 protection, cause the bankruptcy court to reject your petition for the process or result in you making unnecessary payments.
Important Steps To Take Before Filing
Several key steps can dramatically improve your chances of quickly obtaining the maximum benefit the Chapter 7 process has to offer. These important steps include:
- Gathering all necessary financial documents, including pay stubs, account balances and tax returns
- Setting realistic debt relief goals
- Reviewing your credit report to ensure that all creditors are accurately listed
- Enrolling in an accredited credit counseling program
By following these steps and avoiding mistakes, you may be able to eliminate your unsecured debts in as little as six months.
Contact our office online or call 954-836-7912 to schedule a free initial consultation to discuss your Chapter 7 debt relief needs today. We have satellite offices located throughout Miami-Dade, Broward (Fort Lauderdale) and Palm Beach counties, so you can take comfort in knowing that there is a DiTocco Law Group, PLLC, office near you. Translation services are available for our Spanish-speaking clients. Se habla español.
We are a debt relief agency. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the Bankruptcy Code.