If you struggle with paying your monthly bills, you are not alone. Most Americans hold some sort of debt. And 78 percent of the American workforce reports living paycheck-to-paycheck. But how much debt does the average American have?The majority of consumer debts For...
Month: July 2019
Choose the right bankruptcy option for you: Chapter 7 or 13
If you're considering divorce, you need to think about what kind of divorce you want to go through. There are two primary forms of divorce that people tend to choose, either Chapter 7 bankruptcy or Chapter 13. Chapter 7 is also known as liquidation bankruptcy, while...
Basics of the Chapter 13 bankruptcy repayment plan
For people who are in financial duress but still hold a steady source of income, Chapter 13 bankruptcy is often the best form of debt relief. In a Chapter 13 bankruptcy filing, all the debts are combined, and the debtor makes regular payments to the bankruptcy case...
Who is eligible to file for bankruptcy under Chapter 7?
Sometimes, debts accumulated by an individual are so high that the only way to repay the debt and make a fresh financial start is to file for bankruptcy. Those debtors who have no or negligible income can file for liquidation bankruptcy under Chapter 7 of the...