If you're in the middle of financial woes and do not see a clear way out, you may be thinking about bankruptcy. One common element most people have in their bankruptcy cases are charged-off accounts. Understanding what happens with these charged-off accounts during...
Month: April 2021
Debt collectors will soon have more ways to contact you
If you owe money to a mortgage lender, credit card company or Florida hospital, you'll likely be obligated to repay that debt in monthly installments. In the event that you stop making payments, the balance might be sold to a collection agency. Typically, debt...
Can non-profits file for bankruptcy?
Contrary to popular belief, filing for bankruptcy doesn’t mean that your company is automatically out of business. Rather, your business is fully capable of remaining in operation. This holds true even if it is a non-profit organization. What is Chapter 11 bankruptcy?...
Should you consider bankruptcy?
When you start to feel overwhelmed by your debts, bankruptcy may be one of the first options that you think of. In reality, bankruptcy is only one of many methods for getting rid of debts. It's a good idea to understand what's involved in the bankruptcy process so...