Filing for bankruptcy may make it possible to eliminate credit card, medical or other debt balances. In some cases, it may be possible to do so without losing assets such as your Florida home. However, there are some debts that you cannot eliminate regardless of...
Month: May 2021
Understanding bankruptcy discharge
Florida individuals who are thinking of filing for bankruptcy likely have a lot of questions. By taking the time to research the bankruptcy process, you can help to put your nerves at ease about how to get your debts discharged. What is bankruptcy discharge? A...
Is Chapter 13 bankruptcy right for you?
Florida residents who have found themselves under a massive load of debt with no way out may consider bankruptcy. While this type of financial move should never be taken lightly, it can be a necessity for some people. There are many different types of bankruptcies out...
Bankruptcy vs. debt settlement
Some Florida consumers who are overwhelmed with unmanageable debt hesitate to file for bankruptcy protection because of the stigma and a belief that debt settlement might be a better option. However, debt settlement has several drawbacks that you should understand...